DirectX 12 Graphics Tools Download 12

October 2, 2019 - Microsoft Corporation (Free)
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DirectX 12 is a group of technologies designed to make Windows-based computers an ideal platform for running and displaying applications rich in multimedia elements such as full-color graphics, video, 3D animation, and rich audio. DirectX 11 includes security and performance updates, along with many new features across all technologies, which can be accessed by applications using the DirectX APIs.

As it has the ability to boost the gaming experience dramatically, Dx 12 is fueled by a new technology introduced by Microsoft called as the “Variable Rate Shading” AKA VSR. This tech has been revolutionary for the gaming community.

DirectX-12-downloadAll versions of Windows do not support all versions of DirectX. Here’s more on how each version of DirectX works across the Windows family. Take note especially on differences in Windows 10 and Windows 8 or Windows 7 versus previous versions of Windows.

The tool is a set of components in Windows that allows software, primarily and especially games, to work directly with your video and audio hardware.  Games that use DirectX can use multimedia accelerator features built-in to your hardware more efficiently which improves your overall multimedia experience. The DxDiag tool reports detailed information about the DirectX components and drivers installed on your system and can be used.

DirectX 12 Features

We’ve come a long way since we launched DX 12 with Windows 10 on July 29, 2015. Since then, we’ve heard every bit of feedback and improved the API to enhance stability and offer more versatility. Today, developers using DirectX 12 can build games that have better graphics, run faster and that are more stable than ever before. Many games now run on the latest version of our groundbreaking API and we’re confident that even more anticipated, high-end AAA titles will take advantage of DirectX 12.

DirectX 12 is ideal for powering the games that run on PC and Xbox, which as of yesterday is the most powerful console on the market. Simply put, our consoles work best with our software: DirectX 12 is perfectly suited for native 4K games on the Xbox One X.

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Improved Debugging: Data

During the rendering process, the GPU writes to and reads from data structures called resources. Because it takes time to do translation work between the CPU and GPU, if we already know that the GPU is going to use the same data repeatedly, we might as well just put that data straight into the GPU. In a racing game, a developer will likely want to do this for all the cars, and the track that they’re going to be racing on. All this data will then be put into resources. To draw just a single frame, the GPU will write to and read from many thousands of resources.

Recap of Spring Creator’s Update

In the Spring Creator’s Update, we introduced two new features: Depth Bounds Testing and Programmable MSAA. Where the features we rolled out for the Fall Creator’s Update were mainly for making it easier for developers to fix crashes, Depth Bounds Testing and Programmable MSAA are focused on making it easier to program games that run faster with better visuals. These features can be seen as additional tools that have been added to a DirectX developer’s already extensive tool belt.

The CPU-GPU Divide

Most of the processing that happens in your machine happens in the CPU, as it’s a component that’s designed to resolve almost any computation it’s given. It does many things, and for some operations, foregoes efficiency for versatility. This is the entire reason that GPUs exist: to perform better than the CPU at the kinds of calculations that power the graphically intensive applications of today. Basically, rendering calculations (i.e. the math behind generating images from 2D or 3D objects) are small and many: performing them in parallel makes a lot more sense than doing them consecutively. The GPU excels at these kinds of calculations. This is why game logic, which often involves long, varied and complicated computations, happens on the CPU, while the rendering happens GPU-side.


To the left, we see a camera, three objects and a light source in Unity, a game development engine. To the right, we see how the GPU renders these 3-dimensional objects onto a 2-dimensional screen, given the camera position and light source.

Device Removed Errors

When games run error-free, DirectX 12 simply sends orders (commands) from the CPU via hardware drivers to the GPU. The GPU then sends processed images back. After commands are translated and sent to the GPU, the CPU cannot track them anymore, which means that when the GPU crashes, it’s really difficult to find out what happened. Finding out which command caused it to crash used to be almost impossible, but we’re in the process of changing this, with two awesome new features that will help developers figure out what exactly happened when things go wrong in their programs.

Depth Bounds Testing

Assigning depth values to pixels is a technique with a variety of applications: once we know how far away pixels are from a camera, we can throw away the ones too close or too far away. The same can be done to figure out which pixels fall inside and outside a light’s influence (in a 3D environment), which means that we can darken and lighten parts of the scene accordingly. We can also assign depth values to pixels to help us figure out where shadows are. These are only some of the applications of assigning depth values to pixels; it’s a versatile technique!

Programmable MSAA

Before we explore this feature, let’s first discuss anti-aliasing.

Aliasing refers to the unwanted distortions that happen during the rendering of a scene in a game. There are two kinds of aliasing that happen in games: spatial and temporal.


Side-by-side comparison of the same scene with spatial aliasing (left) and without (right). Notice in particular the jagged outlines of the building and sides of the road in the aliased image. This still was taken from Forza Motorsport 6: Apex.

What’s so special about DirectX 12?

Long answer: The reason DirectX prevailed over the proprietary graphics API wars of yesteryear is its high level of hardware abstraction. The sheer volume of available components in the PC ecosystem is staggering, and that’s before you even get into the intricacies of the potential system combinations with all those parts. DirectX 12 lets developers target its high-level APIs, which then handle all the nitty-gritty hardware compatibility details in the background.

DirectX 12 continues that, but it’ll also give developers optional lower-level access to hardware if they want to additionally optimize their software. The API’s highlight feature will essentially let games handle CPU utilization more efficiently, better balancing loads between multiple cores rather than dumping the bulk of the work on a single core. Games will also have reduced GPU overhead, and less overhead means more speed.

A new “Explicit Multi adapter” feature sounds just as exciting. Explicit Multi adapter lets software utilize multiple graphics processors inside a PC even if they aren’t from the same vendor—allowing you to, say, tap into the graphics integrated on your Intel processor for specific graphics tasks while your GeForce GPU handles primary duties, or rock an AMD Radeon graphics card and an Nvidia GeForce graphics card in the same system.

Offloading a portion of each frame’s rendering tasks to a secondary GPU can not only speed up frame rates, but it can also help create a smoother gaming experience overall, as evidenced by Civilization: Beyond Earth’s use of “split frame rendering” in CrossFire setups with AMD’s Mantle API. (Traditional “Alternate Frame Rendering” for multi-card setups has each GPU alternate rendering a full-frame—hence the name.)

Explicit Multi adapter sounds like PC gaming’s Holy Grail, but it remains to be seen how widespread support for this fantastic feature extends, as developers will need to do a lot of grunt work to make it work. PC Perspective has an excellent breakdown of this complex topic.

System Requirements

Requirements Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
Latest Version DirectX 12 Latest

Technical Specification

Title DirectX 12
File Size 2.2MB
Filename dxwebsetup_0208448982.exe
Requirements Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
License Freeware
Developer Microsoft corporation

